How to Clean your Tennis Shoes at home

the life of the shoes. However this theory is my quality of life if not my life itself will be shorter if I have hand wash my or my kids shoes. I even recently washed my sons Nike hi-tops in the wash with great success.
If you want to try by hand if you have the time or inclination use a soft brush and use some of the tips listed below:
Prepare a solution of water and a neutral cleaner (such as liquid dish-soap or detergent you can use laundry soap and water mixture).
Remove laces and inserts if you have any and rinse the shoes with water inside and out.
Use a soft brush and the cleaning solution to scrub every part of both shoes, including liners and insoles.
Remove scuff marks with a white nylon-backed scrub pad.
Rinse the shoes thoroughly with water.
Stuff the shoes with soda cans
Wash the laces in a load of laundry. Allow the inserts to air out, and apply baking soda to them if they’re smelly.
Replace the inserts and laces after the shoes dry completely.
Apply white cream shoe polish to white leather and black polish to black leather parts.
If you want to try by hand if you have the time or inclination use a soft brush and use some of the tips listed below:
Prepare a solution of water and a neutral cleaner (such as liquid dish-soap or detergent you can use laundry soap and water mixture).
Remove laces and inserts if you have any and rinse the shoes with water inside and out.
Use a soft brush and the cleaning solution to scrub every part of both shoes, including liners and insoles.
Remove scuff marks with a white nylon-backed scrub pad.
Rinse the shoes thoroughly with water.
Stuff the shoes with soda cans
Wash the laces in a load of laundry. Allow the inserts to air out, and apply baking soda to them if they’re smelly.
Replace the inserts and laces after the shoes dry completely.
Apply white cream shoe polish to white leather and black polish to black leather parts.
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